Monday, May 2, 2011

Goal Planning Monday

Sorry it has been so long since I have posted for this meme. It's been a busy few weeks with baseball games, baby shower for a lady at church, Easter, Molly's 4th birthday and then just regular life. I hope to get back in the habit of writing up my weekly goals. It helps keep me accountable.

This weeks goals:

1. Get through testing! We have standardized testing this week. Paul has tested for several years in a row now so it's not a huge deal for him. This is Zach's first year testing so I was a bit nervous going in this morning. He was not nervous at all and at the end of the day he said it was "easy peasy". I am also proctoring the 2nd grade test. So, two more days of getting up and being somewhere in the mornings-not the way we are used to starting our day.

2. Make a shopping list and actually stick to it for the homeschool conference that is this weekend. There is a huge used book sale too and there are always some great deals and I always get sucked in and buy way more than we need. I am going to really try to not do that this year!

3. Plan Zach's graduation ceremony. We want to do a little something to acknowledge Zach's accomplishment of finishing Kindergarten and doing amazingly well this year. Just not exactly sure what to do so I need to think that through and get started on that.

4. Figure out how to blog easily on my new iPad 2. We were blessed with a nice bonus from Steve's company this spring so we splurged and bought me a new iPad. We just got it in last week. This is my first post using BlogPress so we will see how it goes. I really love the iPad - when I get it away from the kids and Steve!

5. Get my next 3 reviews written The month of May is so busy for us and I have several reviews to write too. So, I am hoping to get a little ahead this week.

Thanks Katrina for keeping this meme up!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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