Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Pinterest Addictiom

I am officially addicted to Pinterest! There, I said it. It's full of wonderful inspiration, plus it keeps anything I find while surfing the web nice and organized!

So, along with my addiction to Pinterest I am now addicted to crafts of all kinds. I already had a small addiction here but just didn't always feel inspired. Pinterest has taken care of that.

We are taking Thanksgiving week off from traditional school and enjoying some relaxation as well as crafts around here

The kids have been busy painting

And cooking...

And working on special projects with Daddy...

And, well I have been working on Homemade Christmas gifts (which will have to wait until after Christmas to be posted) as well as a few Hairbows and dresses for Molly

All of these bows were inspired by this blog that I found on Pinterest. She has great tutorials on how to make these and many more-- I am sure I will try these tomorrow (or maybe later this evening). And the best thing is these are all made from FELT, which is so incredibly inexpensive and easy to work with!

I also tackled making a dress for Molly

I took a shirt she already had...

Picked out some coordinating material

And made a dress...

I am NOT a seamstress and this project was SO easy. It honestly took me about 40 minutes! The picture really doesn't do it justice, it's really cute.

If you have a minute you should definitely check put Pinterest--it's wonderful!

Posted using BlogPress from my iPad

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